Although Philip Grant is not a member of Keep Willesden Green he has
made a number of thoughtful and trenchant contributions to the
consultation process as an individual. This is his latest
submission. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Keep Willesden Green or individual members:
Willesden Green Library Centre redevelopment – Philip
Grant’s views as part of the further consultation exercise, September 2012.
way that the views of many members of the public were ignored and
misrepresented in earlier consultations up to April 2012 has left a deep
suspicion of Brent Council, Galliford Try Plc and their agents in the minds of
local people. We have been assured that this further consultation exercise will
be a genuine one, and I sincerely hope that this will prove to be the case. I
will set out my views under two headings, one dealing with a fundamental issue
and the other on a detailed design including the 1894 Willesden Green Library
Should the existing Willesden Green Library Centre be demolished?
current proposals from Brent’s Regeneration Department and Galliford Try are
drawn up on the basis that the existing WGLC should be demolished, and replaced
by a new Cultural Centre on a smaller site and a development of 90+ private
homes. There are several reasons why this approach is not the best one to
1.1 Although the existing WGLC
needs some refurbishment (toilets and plant need updating, in particular), it
is only 23 years old, and was planned to last for at least sixty years.
Knocking it down would be both costly and wasteful. It would surely be possible
to redevelop the existing building, retaining those parts (like the library,
Museum and Archives and their education room, special exhibitions space and art
gallery) which still work, and to redesign the rest of the space (adding an
extra “light weight” floor if necessary) to provide the extra One-Stop-Shop and
Council offices necessary for the proposed “hub” for the south of the borough.
Most or all of the cost of this work could be funded from a smaller private
housing development built on most of the existing car park.
1.2 The current proposals would mean building over the existing open space
situated between the remaining section of the 1894 library building and the
front of WGLC. That space is the subject of an application for registration as
a Town Square, which would mean that this land cannot be built on. Galliford
Try (and Brent?) have objected, but the application appears to be valid and well-founded.
The open space is much more relevant to Willesden High Road than the planned
space at the back of the proposed new Cultural Centre would be. It would be
better for Brent and their development partner to accept the continued
existence of this public open space, and proceed on the basis of retaining the
existing WGLC building, rather than facing further delay and uncertainty by
fighting the wishes of the local community again (as they did unsuccessfully
with their original plans to demolish the 1894 Willesden Green Library).
1.3 I realise that this major
about-face in the plans for redeveloping Willesden Green Library Centre is not
what Brent and Galliford Try had in mind when they entered into their
Development Agreement in February 2012, so that the terms of their relationship
would need to be renegotiated. I believe that this would be the best option,
and hope that it will be given serious consideration. If the Town Square
application fails, and the two parties go ahead with plans to demolish the existing
WGLC and build a new Cultural Centre, then my second section below applies.
2. Detailed design including the 1894
library building.
hope that all parties are now clear that the section of the 1894 Willesden
Green Library which was retained as part of the 1980’s library redevelopment
should not, and cannot in law, be demolished. If a new Cultural Centre is
built, it must retain at least the original walls and roof of the Victorian
building. Here are my views on the details of such a design.
2.1 Several sketches showing
possible ways of connecting the original and new buildings were displayed at
WGLC during August 2012. I think that the idea which works best visually is the
one labelled “Gallery”, showing a glass roof sloping down from the new building
to the back of the 1894 library. There are two possible problems with this
which I would mention, which will need to be addressed in the detailed design.
The first is the need to deal effectively with the large amounts of rainwater
which would run down the glass during a heavy “cloudburst” shower; the second
is the need to be able to keep the glass clean, and to remove leaves (from the
plane tree) and other debris, to allow good natural light from the glass roof
into the entrance foyer below.
2.2 I believe that the best use
for the 1894 library building as part of a new Cultural Centre would be as a
community gallery. Part of this (perhaps alongside, and viewed from, the
entrance foyer) should be a small permanent display from Brent Archives and
Museum showing the history of Willesden Green Library, and of this part of Willesden High Road from
Victorian times, so that the significance of the old building and the
continuity of public services here from the 1890’s to the present is introduced
to the Centre’s 21st century users. Most of the gallery space would
be used for temporary exhibitions, which visitors could enjoy in their own
right or during their visits to the Centre for other reasons. These would need
to be co-ordinated by a pro-active overall manager of the Centre, but could
include displays by local artists (BAR, or other exhibitions as currently
staged at WGLC), small “taster” exhibits to draw attention to larger
exhibitions available in the Museum, Archives or other galleries upstairs,
displays linked with Library activities (such as author talks, which could
actually be held in the community gallery) etc.

Philip Grant
19 September 2012
19 September 2012
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